2012 .. The 12 Best of 12!

Posted by Unknown On Friday, 2 January 2015 0 comments

Ah 2012…you’ve been good to us at the movies.

Even the bad movies have been good, in their own ways.

Movies like Battleship (big, loud and tons of action…despite its problems). Rock of Ages – which was glorious 80s hair band rock despite the problems that were there.

But on the good side, I had 4 big titles that I had considered for my top spot…and even as I’m typing this, I wonder if I've got them in the right order.

This year…with it being 2012…I decided to have a Top 12 of 2012. That said…there’s at least 12 other films that I wanted to give some love to … so here’s the films that didn't quite make the top 12 list.

In no particular order…
The Hunger Games, Moonrise Kingdom, Safety Not Guaranteed, The Invisible War, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Detropia, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Smashed, The Sessions, Celeste and Jesse Forever, This is Forty and Life of Pi

All these films had something extra special about them that made an impression with me…but I limited myself to 12 and some had to go…if I did this list another day…films like Life of Pi and Beasts of the Southern Wild could be on my list…but they are not.

Also there is a big * on the list. As of this writing I had not seen Django Unchained. It could have made my list, so I reserve the right to later add an extra title if I feel it is worthy after I get to see it. It was not offered to screen prior to the Critics’ Choice Movie Awards nominations.

So what did make the list…well here you go… my favorites of 2012.

12. Pitch Perfect
I really expected nothing from this film. Literally just another meaningless teen comedy was all I anticipated when I sat down in the theater. Instead I got a smart, witty and repeatedly watchable film that took movies like Mean Girls and Bring It On and mashed it up with the success of shows like Glee to create something that will be enjoyed for years.

11. 21 Jump Street
You always run the risk when you remake a television show that you anger the fans of that show. When Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill were taking on the roles I was worried the fun would be gone. But boy was I wrong. Jonah Hill took pride and ownership in the original thought and made it something fun and yet still maintained its integrity. Funny and an altogether laugh riot, Jump Street will be watchable again and again.

10. Skyfall
Bond is back and the first scene in the film is so intense that you’ll just wonder how it can maintain the excitement. It does and with a great villain like Javier Bardem on board for the ride, it’s a film that even folks who aren’t fans of the Bond films. Daniel Craig rocks as Bond and you will leave shaken…not stirred.

9. Ted
This film is wrong on so many levels. But that is what makes it so right. No denying, Seth MacFarlane can make people laugh with edgy and fun humor. Ted is a talking bear that looks like the perfect childhood friend; that belongs NOWHERE near your children as he is as raunchy as it gets. But if you are an adult…this could be just your cup of stuffed fun.

8. Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God

The second year in a row that my favorite documentary of the year was shown to me at the Milwaukee Film Festival and that is a testament to the documentary programming crew there. The story of priest sex abuse in Wisconsin and how some very diligent individuals searched for justice is truly fascinating and heartbreaking at once. Director Alex Gibney has a way with telling stories like this that shows an extremely rare combination of heart and empathy to go along with the pit bull nature of the facts. This film will not leave you silent after you see it.

7. Wreck-It Ralph
My favorite animated film this year, Wreck-It Ralph has the ability to combine the modern animation capabilities with classic games and keep the classic game motions intact. Voices are spot on, colors bright and vibrant and the right mix of comedy, music, story, and visuals make this my favorite animated journey this year. You won’t wreck your night watching this film.

6. Looper

Rian Johnson delivers probably one of the most underrated scripts this year and a sci-fi journey like nothing you’ve seen before. Joseph Gordon-Leavitt and Bruce Willis hit their roles out of the park and it’s a film that needs to be seen multiple times to truly be appreciated for all of its subtleties. A wonderful journey that when it’s over you feel like you need to go forward in time to tell your future self how good it is.

5. The Dark Knight Rises
After the last Batman film, The Dark Knight, there were a number of folks that looked at this and were disappointed. But this film goes deeper into Batman and doesn’t rely on the bad guy. Bane is interesting, but of course, he doesn’t hold the overwhelming charisma that Heath Ledger brought as the Joker. But the new characters portrayed by Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon-Leavitt are a great addition. This is Christian Bale’s movie, and he rises from the shadows of Ledger.

4. Silver Linings Playbook
Any of the top 4 movies on my list could be interchanged. I could make a case for Silver Linings Playbook as my favorite film this year just as easily as the next three films. Jennifer Lawrence grows up here and is spectacular. Bradley Cooper does things that we have rarely seen from him before and you just want to embrace him. And with a supporting cast including Robert Deniro, Jacki Weaver and Chris Tucker…it is well worth the time. Study your playbook, this film has more than a silver lining.

3. Lincoln

Steven Spielberg’s labor of love is an amazing cinematic journey. The period leading up to the abolishment of slavery lends itself to an incredible film. And when your film features the best acting performance of the year in Daniel Day-Lewis alongside supporting performances from Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones and a cast that is one of the best of the year. This is an amazing piece that will stand the test of time and should be watched. History is kind to us as moviegoers in Lincoln.

2. Zero Dark Thirty

What can I say about Kathryn Bigelow? She is amazing. Can I profess my love now? Whatever she does I want to see, especially if there is a military focus. The story of the search for Osama Bin Laden and one woman’s quest to not give up the fight is an amazing look at a complex situation. Spanning 10 years, the film does an incredible job of showing the drive and determination of one woman amidst the changing landscape. Jessica Chastain drives the search for the most notorious criminal in recent history. This military action/drama/thriller will have you thirsting for more.

1. Argo

I really loved this film. The tale that Director Ben Affleck brings to life will intrigue and entertain. The Iran hostage crisis was really focused around the large group and the largely unknown story of the covert operation that created a science fiction film as the backbone of a miraculous rescue. The story behind Hollywood’s help of our government in their time of need makes for good film. Affleck is becoming extremely more and more adept at creating a story and crafting a tale in such a manner that appeals to a broad audience. There is an excellent supporting cast here with John Goodman and Alan Arkin among others and with Affleck in the lead, the film is in good hands. The line in the movie is “argo” eff you self….well you won’t need to do that after seeing this one. Instead I say “argo” tell a friend as this is one of the best of the year.

So there you have it…my take on some of the best movies of 2012 – There are others I didn’t mention here as well, that were VERY good films…but you eventually have to stop with these things…so that’s what we do. I really had a good time at the movies this year…and I can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for us!

Until then, Sit Back, Relax and Save Me A Seat. 


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