The Common Guy Goes To Hollywood (Or At Least Santa Monica)

Posted by Unknown On Monday, 19 January 2015 0 comments
I've been reviewing movies (informally) for over 20 years -- formally I've been working for over 15 online, almost 15 years on the radio, with print publications for over 10 years (off and on) and on television for 3
Ready for Action on the Red Carpet.
1/2 years. During that time I have been fortunate enough to talk to a couple celebrities through a variety of offers and assignments. And of course, I've been fortunate to be a member of the Broadcast Film Critics' Association for gasp almost 9 years yet I had never been to the Critics' Choice Movie Awards. But this year....that changed.

I decided to go and experience all the pagentary, the fun, the sun and the celebrities that went into January 16, 2014 at Barker Hangar in Santa Monica. And I don't regret that decision one bit. But there were some things I learned that I will do differently next year when I come back for the 20th annual awards in January 2015.

After making the decision to go, there was a sizable amount of consternation in bringing all the details together. In fact, being allowed a guest, I had my planned guest back out on me at the last minute leaving me to scramble and find someone else to be my date for the evening. Thanks to a quick text message or two...that was settled and it was off to Los Angeles.

The weather in the Midwest has been brutally cold, in fact some mornings I was up and moving around in as cold as -18 degree weather. (YEP, that's a MINUS sign in front of the 18.) But the good news is, despite last year's awards enduring some near record cold in Los Angeles...this year was near record heat. I got off the plane and was greeted by warmth, something I had forgotten that the sun can provide.

Now it was off to pick up my bags, get checked in to my hotel and grab a bite to eat....the flight had me moving around just after 5AM CT and well...I was hungry.

Wednesday night was planned to just pick up the tickets and relax a bit....and relax I did.

Thursday I awoke to the devastating news of a wildfire. I had tuned in to KTLA to hopefully get a little vibe on that evening's show but this early wildfire took over the news, and with good reason. It started small, in fact I was texting my colleague Gino Salomone to watch for it on his way in on his flight (it was about 5 acres then). By the time he arrived, it was hundreds of acres and I had watched the devistation of dream houses going up in flames. It was heartbreaking to watch.

Oh by the way, it was Oscar nomination morning and I was filing a column on the nominees from my IPAD that morning and prepping for a radio interview to come and the evening's festivities.

By 2:20 I was on the air with Mark Reardon at KMOX in St. Louis talking about the morning's Oscar nominees AND the festivities about to take place at Barker Hangar that evening for the Critics' Choice Movie Awards. But after predicting that maybe Gravity might win Best Picture (despite the groundswell for 12 Years a Slave) it was time to get off the air, finish getting dressed and head over to the 19th Annual Critics' Choice Movie Awards.
The Wolf of Wall Street table enjoying
the evening.

Arriving just before 4PM we were greeted by a great pre-show party complete with wine, yogurt, great theater seating and much more. Oh and there was this little thing called a red carpet. My guest/date for the evening, Jenny, and myself indulged in some of the fun inside before heading out to check it out.

We were early to be on the red carpet, so there weren't more celebs there than us. :-) So that led to a couple of pics on the red carpet and then more inside mingling.

Come 4:30 it was time to head fact they made a point of saying that by 4:45 the doors would be locked.

My table was 220 (in the back corner of the facility) and we quickly grabbed some seats that would let us not have to turn to look at the stage and the festivities began.

The first things I noticed were all the late arriving celebs. Hey, I don't know if I'd want to spend so much time with me either. (tip your waitress I'm here all week) The crowd was definitely a twitter as Oprah Winfrey joined The Butler table (yep, I know it really is Lee Daniels' The Butler table...but I shortcut things in this article). She was someone I wanted to get over to chat with but alas, was mobbed by others in our organization so I didn't get a chance. Just wanted to say thanks to her for the way her staff treated me when I was a guest on her show some 20 ish years earlier. (I know that doesn't matter now...but I wanted to...OK??)

There was salmon in front of each of us...beautifully plated salmon...I tried it...but I'm not a fan of salmon to begin with and well there was other things about it that made me pass it by.

My ride home...or maybe that was just a fantasy.
Now if CCMA sponsor Porsche can just send me one.
I also became quickly aware...this show moves incredibly fast in person. That 3-5 minute commercial break is plenty of time to run around at home, use the restroom or whatever, but in the get forward and have any kind of real face time and maybe snap a quick pic is nearly impossible, unless you are running even before the show goes to break.

That said I loved my time at the show. Immediately upon leaving all I could think about was coming back next year. I had a good time and while not all was perfect, it was increasingly memorable. The Award
Winners are likely on a bee line for Oscar as that is the history of our show.

I'm proud to be able to share my first journey to the show and hope to share many more in the years to come.

Now...if they could only send some of that heat to the Midwest...I'd be very happy.

SEE MORE PHOTOS - on the Facebook Page.


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