Home Screening Room - It's About Time!

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, 4 February 2015 0 comments

This is really a good week on DVD – not as good as a couple weeks ago when Enough Said, Fruitvale Station, Lee Daniels’ The Butler, Short Term 12, The Spectacular Now and 20 Feet From Stardom were among the quality movies released … but between this week and the last couple there are PLENTY of quality choices on DVD and Blu-ray right now.  

Pick of the Week

So many good films…so little time … it depends on mood but the most REWATCHABLE title for my library is ... About Time with Rachel McAdams. (though I could be talked into Dallas Buyers Club, Escape Plan or Free Birds depending on my mood.)

Big Releases

About Time (Rated R) Rachel McAdams, Domhnall Gleeson
Baggage Claim (Rated PG-13) Paula Patton, Derek Luke
Dallas Buyers Club (Rated R) Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto, Jennifer Garner
Escape Plan (Rated R) Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Free Birds (Rated PG) Voices of Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson

Romeo and Juliet (Rated PG-13) Hailee Steinfeld, Douglas Booth

I love this week’s releases for its diversity of titles that everyone can find something to like. Dallas Buyers Club is the class of the field when it comes to award talk. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto are amazing and are the odds on favorite at this year’s awards, but also delivering in this one…Jennifer Garner! Garner will blow you away as well in her supporting role. But for those of you who just want to smile, About Time may be that Valentine’s Day movie at home for this year. Romantic and funny, About Time delivers the mood that you may want to experience this Valentine’s Day. Baggage Claim will have you in stitches as Paula Patton’s quest in the dating pool seems to be hopeless…or is it? Good-looking people in fun and funny situations can save any movie. Kids will get a chance to enjoy the Thanksgiving themed Free Birds and there’s even a new Romeo and Juliet film out (they didn’t show it to me…but there IS). Finally a blast to the 80s lives in Escape Plan. Stallone, Schwarzenegger and lots of stereotypical 80s fun that ACTUALLY WORKS! I can’t wait to see what they have extra on the Blu-ray as I didn’t like the ending (felt a bit unsatisfying). (50 Cent AND Amy Ryan are in this one as well!)

Also this Week

A Case of You  (Rated R) Justin Long, Evan Rachel Wood
Cutie and the Boxer  (Rated R)
Justice League: War  (Rated PG-13)
Mother of George  (Rated R)
Scorned  (Rated R) Billy Zane, AnnaLynne McCord

From the World of Television

Family Matters: The Complete Fourth Season

The White Queen (Rated TV-MA) Rebecca Feguson, Amanda Hale

Hidden Gem

The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete (Rated R) Skylan Brooks, Ethan Dizon

I’m excited about the hidden gem this week. It’s a film that didn’t get nearly enough attention in The Inevitable Defeat of Mister and Pete is worth checking out.
theaters, mainly because of the fact that it had two young kids in the lead roles and it came out during the start of awards season. But this tale of a young man that has to live on his own in New York after his mom is taken to jail is glorious to watch. The young 13 year old Mister(Brooks) is left to care not only for himself, but his 9-year old friend Pete (Dizon) who was staying with them when his mom got arrested. It really is a true story of survival that no youngster should have to struggle through, yet this struggle produces a confident and unwavering youngster who grows up fast. Directed George Tillman, Jr. brought Jordin Sparks, Jeffrey Wright, Anthony Mackie and Jennifer Hudson on board to help with the two young kids that he lets drive the film. Shown recently at the White House with a discussion afterwards,

Pop Popcorn, Do the Diet Dew, and Bust out the Blu and remember to Save Me A Seat!

More Trailers from this week's films

Baggage Claim

A Case of You

Cutie and the Boxer

Dallas Buyers Club

Escape Plan

Free Birds

Remember – all release dates are subject to change.


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