Justin Bieber: Never Say Never

Posted by Unknown On Friday, 13 February 2015 0 comments
I’ve Got A Bieber Cold

(Full Disclaimer Note – I was unable to attend the full screening of this film due to a scheduling conflict, my comments below are for the first hour or so, and no review grade is given – it was, however, tracking very well before I had to leave)

I learned a lesson, even before I sat down to experience this film; Bieber’s fans are crazy. And I knew little about Justin Bieber before sitting down. Sure, I’ve heard some of his music (I’ve got a 6 year old daughter who listens to Radio Disney) and I knew he was this super huge presence with young girls anywhere. But I’ll admit, I just thought he was another manufactured presence. And now, I learned another lesson, I was wrong.

Justin Bieber has worked hard, sure there is a lot more to come and he’s at an early stage of his career, but this film makes me think he just might have a future in the business.

From a film standpoint, director Jon Chu does a solid job of relating the story of Justin’s life. His hard work to sell himself in an environment that may not have been ready is showcased. A kid who said, hey if someone else doesn’t want to do it, I’ll do it, and used today’s technological advances to move forward.

It is a film that is geared toward Bieber’s fans. The theatrical release uses its 3D presence to play to the crowd as Justin is found reaching for the fans and inducing the screams of the “Beliebers”. It plays like nothing I have seen before as the screening I checked out was more of a concert than a film. Ok, so I don’t have Bieber Fever, but this film has given me a touch of a Bieber Cold (and that’s not a bad thing).


Justin Bieber: Never Say Never
Paramount Pictures

Director: Jon Chu
Cast: Justin Bieber, Scooter Braun

Rating: G
Runtime: 105 minutes.


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