Family First - My apologies for the lack of posts

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 0 comments
I just wanted to put this out there to those of you who come to his site on a regular basis. I'm sorry for the lack of recent posts on the site.

Believe it or not, even after reviewing movies online for 17 years, being on various radio stations over the last 15 plus years and on television for the past 3 years, I'm still a pretty private person.

I thought I should take a couple minutes to explain my recent lack of posts.

I've been blogging the Oscars and putting up stories in the run up to the show for years. I'm still seeing plenty of movies, though not as many as I would like to get in over the last month or so. And those of you who listen to my weekly radio appearances or check out the bi-weekly visit to Real Milwaukee haven't missed a beat...I've still done all of those.

What I haven't done lately is a lot of writing about the movies. Sure I've done a couple unique magazine pieces when I interviewed Greg Kinear for the TV show Rake and wrote a review for The Wolf of Wall Street with its upcoming VOD release at the end of March. (Thanks to my friends at NTVB Custom Media for picking up those features). But when it comes to the reviews, commentary and fun online...I really haven't done a whole lot of writing.

My wife and daughter at the premiere of The Smurfs 2.

In the past 2 years, I've had members of my family go through 4 major surgeries. And sooner or later, I needed some rest. I figured out I couldn't do everything.

I love my family to death and you can't imagine the stress involved with these surgeries. I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemies!

But something had to give in my schedule. And writing was it.

With things looking up now....I hope... :-) I will be jumping back in to writing. Please be patient with me though as I'm still trying to find all of my footing on where I have time available.

It's through this outlet that I can give you more than the short segments that I have on air. I can add to the discussion and do crazy things.  I can even...yes possibly, VIDEO commentaries.

I want to start adding more as I go forward. And hopefully I  still have your eyeballs on the site.

I appreciate your support.

I sincerely apologize to those that got the short end of the stick over the last couple weeks...There have been good movies! Good small movies, good big movies and good movie stories! Look for a post this week to kind of recap what I've seen but haven't given an appropriate amount of coverage to on the site.

And finally let me say one last thing...this post is the last I will talk about this in this's a forum for movies and movie talk (oh and anything else I want to talk about. But I'm most likely going to keep on being me and keep much of the personal stuff to myself. I hope you understand.

Now let's get back to the movies and make sure you save me a seat!



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