Real Milwaukee - The Lorax and Project X

Posted by Unknown On Monday, 2 March 2015 0 comments
Here's today's appearance on Real Milwaukee - We talked The Lorax, Project X and new DVD's including Tower Heist, Puss in Boots and Hugo.

I called The Lorax a bit "heavy handed" in its message (in the movie)...And that led to a nice response from an anonymous commenter that I was a buffoon (oh and also balding) -- nothing like a personal attack at me if you don't like what I say!

Let me know what you think -- full written reviews go live later today after an appearance with Carol @ KMOX in St. Louis -- but until then know The Lorax was good (Betty White was really cool) but should have been great if not for the heavy handed approach about 2/3's of the way in. And Project X tries real hard -- but man, it's just not as funny as Superbad or American Pie or even Animal House. No direction on this one...just scene after scene of debauchery (not that there's anything wrong with that...normally).


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