Review - Mars Needs Moms

Posted by Unknown On Friday, 13 March 2015 0 comments
Moms Know Everything

Milo (Seth Green) and his mom (Joan Cusack) have a little strain in their relationship. It’s the typical mother/son disputes that happen during childhood. And it leads to that harsh confrontation where Milo wishes he didn’t have to deal with his mom anymore. That night, he will face the prospect of losing his mom and hitching a ride to Mars.

You see, Mars Need Moms. Why? They need what mom’s know, what mom’s feel and the knowledge that mom’s posses. Martians needed that special love and bond that moms of earth know. They’ve been at this for years and are still looking to gain that special knowledge.

Now Milo joins forces with Gribble (Dan Fogler), a man who knows the ins and outs of the red planet. He knows what the Martians are doing with moms of the world and will help Milo find his mom, but can they do it in time?

This is a pretty garden variety animated film. The story is simple but reinforces the importance of moms in the family unit. Most of the action takes place on the world of the other worldly surface of Mars so there are some crazy creatures in the mix for your enjoyment.

The motion capture animation for the stars is a bit unnerving at first, but once you are into the film it resonates with the viewer.

Mars Needs Moms is fun for the little ones, though the perilous state of mom could lead to some tears. A trip to Mars has never been quite this interesting. Not that you need a movie to prove the point, but Moms ARE really important! As my brother once said, “moms know everything”.


Mars Needs Moms
Walt Disney Pictures

Director: Simon Wells
Cast: Seth Green, Dan Fogler, Joan Cusack, Mindy Sterling

Rating: PG for sci-fi action and peril.
Runtime: 88 minutes.


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