SNAPSHOTS - Battle, Mars and Red Riding Hood?

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, 11 March 2015 0 comments
A quick snapshot this morning -- full reviews go live later today.

Battle: Los Angeles
Fun, popcorn film. The aliens are coming but we are strong! Fight them!!!! Do you realize it's been 15 years (this year) since Independence Day? This will not break any groundbreaking film standards, and some people might not like it...but dang...I just felt this was a non-stop action, fun film! (B)

Mars Needs Moms
This is a neat little kids film, well kinda. The ending might bother the youngest...but it shows EVERYONE needs their Mom. (B-/C+)

Red Riding Hood
Ok, the title means this is going to be a tame and nice fairy tale, right? RIGHT? NO! this is for the teens trying to make the Big Bad Wolf hip! Yes, there is blood and stuff. It's like the Twilight of Big Bad Wolf movies...did I just say that? (C+/C)

I'll be on Real Milwaukee this morning talking about some of these titles, then over to KMOX this afternoon to chat with Mark Reardon on the new movies....and the full reviews will be up tonight.


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