Just From Theaters
Gulliver’s Travels – Rated PG (Jack Black, Emily Blunt, Jason Segel)
A classic tale, told with Jack black landing on an island of small people. Didn’t screen for the press and I never caught back up with it, I’m sorry.
The King’s Speech – Rated R (Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter)
The award winning film comes home for you to enjoy. The story of a man who rises to power and overcomes a battle with stuttering is an inspiring and solid film with top-notch performances. Firth is wonderful and a great choice for the Academy Award. And underrated, because of Christian Bale’s crazy good performance in The Fighter, is the Geoffrey Rush performance here.
Rabbit Hole – Rated PG-13 (Nicole Kidman, Aaron Eckhart)
Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart realize every parent’s nightmare in Rabbit Hole. Kidman is mesmerizing in her role as a mother dealing with an ultimate heartbreak. And Eckhart gives one of his best dramatic performances. Although it is hard to watch for parents, it’s well worth the 90 odd minutes of viewing.
Somewhere – Rated R (Stephen Dorff, Elle Fanning)
He’s a Hollywood working actor going about his business when his daughter comes a calling. Now he is forced to grow up and face the world in a different way.
The Way Back – Rated PG-13 (Colin Farrel, Ed Harris)
A fantastic movie that flew under the radar at the end of 2010; this film tells the story of a group of prisoners that escaped a Siberian gulag and set out on one of the most amazing journeys you’ll see.
Also new this week…
American Dad: Volume 6
Falco: The Rise and Fall of an ‘80s Pop Icon – it’s about FALCO….come on people…
Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster – Rated R
Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure – Rated G (Ashley Tisdale) Sharpay is back and better than ever – I’ve got more on this one coming soon…For now...check out the trailer here.
Square Grouper: The Godfathers of Ganja – Rated R Marijuana seizures and more in this documentary.
Street Kings 2: Motor City – Rated R/NR (Ray Liotta, Clifton Powell)
And Finally
Fubar: Balls to the Wall – Rated R (David Lawrence, Paul J. Spence)
The story of Terry and Deaner, two guys who have been pretty much partying their way through life. Now they need a job and head to work with a friend of theirs. Can they get past their old ways and make a lot of money fast? And will that money change who they are? Trailer below – and more thoughts on it Wednesday as we take a closer look at this Blu/DVD release. Check out the Trailer below.
Pick of the Week
You’ve got to have the Academy ® Award winner in your collection (The King's Speech), plus Rabbit Hole is tough to watch but good.
Pop Popcorn, Do the Dew, and Bust out the Blu and remember to Save Me A Seat!
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