Review - Brave

Posted by Unknown On Monday, 22 June 2015 0 comments

Bravely Moving Forward

Pixar has been the ace in the hole for animated films for years. Despite a bit of a let down in 2011, the anticipation level for the new film Brave has been pretty high. When the bar is set as high as Pixar has it set for them, there is bound to be the occasional let down.

In the case of Brave, I don’t feel there was a huge let down, but this is a film that wasn’t marketed well…and I don’t think that will help the impression left with many viewers.

Here’s the plot in a nutshell. The beautiful Princess Merida (Kelly Macdonald) has reached the age where it’s time to look for a suitor. Her parents King Fergus (Billy Connolly)and Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson)have sent out the requests and have three suitors from the various corners of the kingdom. But this is not what Merida wants. She is young, vibrant, and the antithesis of many things associated with the royal position.

 Merida decides to defy her parents and a rift between her mom and her occurs. But a journey into the forest, following a path created by wisps is about to change her life forever. It’s on that journey that she finds a small wood carving shop, or so it would seem. There a witch (Julie Walters) grants her a wish and she just wants mom to see things differently.

But sometimes, wishes don’t lead to the results you expect. And spells are not an easy thing. So when a certain Queen becomes a bear, trouble is brewing for all. Now can Merida put aside her differences and save her mom from a life as a bear, or certain death at the hand of the King?

What did I like about the new Pixar effort?

Visually it is a stunning piece. Pixar has a way of bringing things to life like no one else. The film rolls over the countryside with grace and leaves you yearning for the place that Merida calls home.

Voice talent is solid and drives some very cool characters through the film.

There’s good comic relief from the triplet brothers that occupy the screen.

The story, as laid out, is relatable to both older kids and adults. That story being, the relationship between Mom and Daughter. But it’s in that story that I think people might be let down.

The let down comes from the marketing that led one to believe that this was going to be about a young girl that exudes specific and life affirming bravery throughout a journey. I believed this was going to be the story specifically about Merida and her growth on her own. Instead, it’s more of a Mother/Daughter story that shows the growth of both individuals. Maybe it’s the title that is misleading, but something seemed amiss with the expectations for the film.

Though despite being a bit misleading and not the film I expected, it still is a film that should make Pixar proud of the result.  I think this is one of those films that can make for a great Mother/Daughter day at the movies. There were lots of hugs between my daughter and her mom (my wife) at the end and that to me makes for a successful outing at the movies, even if it was less than I expected. This film shows Pixar is bravely moving forward, even if it’s not for everyone.


Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Director: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, Steve Purcell
Cast: Kelly Macdonald, Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, Robbie Coltrane, Craig Ferguson

Rating: PG for some scary action and rude humor.
Runtime: 1 hour 40 minutes


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