Review - Green Lantern

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, 17 June 2015 0 comments
He’s Green, He’s Ripped, He’s Ryan Reynolds

Super heroes, there have been a number of films about these individuals that rise above and battle the forces of evil. Now it’s the Green Lantern’s turn.

Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) knows how to fly planes, fast. He seems fearless when he is in the sky doing his job. His fearlessness is why he’s in the air with ex-Carol Ferris (Blake Lively) for a big military test. But this test will expose the fact that maybe Hal isn’t as fearless as everyone thinks.

Meanwhile, back in another part of the universe, we are introduced to the Green Lanterns, protectors of us all. But there is a dark force that is trying to eliminate the lanterns and capture the strength of all of humanity.

When one of those guardians is ready to pass on, he heads to the nearest inhabited planet, Earth, to have the ring choose the next lantern.

The ring has a power that knows who is best suited for a job where you need to be fearless and guard the universe against evil. In this case the ring chooses Hal and he is whisked away to see his future.

Now Hal must not only adapt to these newfound powers, but also understand that much of the safety of his home will be his responsibility. Possessing the powers of the ring is just the beginning. Will he be able to conquer his inner fears and get the girl?

I love super heroes. I really do. But let me get this out there right off the bat so there is no confusion in what I’m about to say. This is NOT a good movie, BUT it IS fun!

Ok, let me explain. This is a comic book film; I’m ok with it taking some liberties with my sensible nature. That said, there are so many times where I found myself scratching my head, wondering how Hal knew where to go in deep space and how to get there. Plot holes and story holes that had me just wondering who put the film together dot this effort. Everything I look for in a good film was missing.

That said, I also found myself actually enjoying the 3D treatment that was before me. This was one of few films that just felt right from a 3D perspective. And just watching the crazy action had me smiling. I enjoyed myself amidst the muck that was packaged in the film.

It’s crazy, there are moments where Ryan Reynolds tries out his new look that are just fun and smile inducing. In fact Reynolds OWNS the green suit; I have no problem admitting that. Then there are moments as the story bounces all over the map that are cringe inducing.

What does that mean for me? Well the grade is average; but I’m sure I’m not going to pass this by if it’s showing on a premium channel or when it pops on Blu-Ray (which I expect to be pretty amazing). I’m sure there is a lot of green in the future, and I could actually see a sequel getting better (gasp, did I really say sequel?) but this effort doesn’t run rings around the competition. Bottom line, he’s green, he’s ripped and he’s Ryan Reynolds. And that will be enough for some to see this film, but if they keep going, I need more.


Warner Brothers Pictures

Director: Martin Campbell
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard, Tim Robbins

Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action.
Runtime: 1 hour 45 minutes


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