Review - X-Men: First Class

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 6 June 2015 0 comments
Class Is In Session

The X-Men franchise has had a number of ups and downs through the years. It came out of the blocks like gangbusters and maintained through the second film, but recently it has been viewed as a bit disappointing. But this is a new class, this is the First Class.

The story takes us back to the 1940s before jumping into the timeframe of the film (the early 60s). At this point Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) is not yet a Doctor, but simply a student trying to move forward his ideas. It is at this point that he encounters the beautiful yet different Raven (Jennifer Lawrence).

As circumstances would have it, the government knows about another “different” individual. Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon) has proven to be in bed with every nefarious plot that exists. The impending showdown with the Russians in Cuba seems to be the main target for his efforts as he and a group of mutants he has assembled are working to put the world on the brink.

Charles Xavier and Raven are doing their best to help the US government get Shaw, but they aren’t alone. Erik Lehnsherr (Michael Fassbender) has issues with Shaw as well. When the two forces unexpectedly meet up, it is Xavier that brings Erik under his wing and begins to assemble an elite force of the different in society. These individuals will try and harness their energy to stop Sebastian Shaw in his global attempts at domination. But will their own differences prevent them from completing the task at hand?

X-Men: First Class is that rare opening chapter that really punches you with action. If feels like episode one of a great story, but retains all the playfulness of a comic book. We are treated to the backdrop of some characters that grew with us through the franchise.

And here the intro story is fun, even as it is tongue-in-cheek and many points along the way. It is great see where Magneto starts. The beginnings of Mystique ring so true to her attitude in the films we have seen. And Dr. Charles Xavier is driven by what is right, regardless of what anyone thinks.

Where X-Men goes wrong is in some of the casting choices. While they bring in truly talented actors to some of these roles, it seems like only Fassbender and maybe Bacon fit their roles quite nicely. Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t embody Mystique and McAvoy sometimes had me believing he was Xavier, while other times I wasn’t so sure.

X-Men: First Class is definitely a nice prequel in a land of big sequels this summer. While it may not be perfect, it’s good to see this class is in session.


20th Century Fox

Director: Matthew Vaughn
Cast: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Bacon, Rose Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence

Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence, some sexual content including brief partial nudity and language.
Runtime: 2 hours 12 minutes


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