A Closer Look - The China Question

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, 5 July 2015 0 comments
A Closer LookThe China Question

So with the 4th of July just in our rear view mirrors, I thought it was the perfect time to post a closer look at the new DVD, The China Question from filmmaker Brook Silva-Braga.

When the topic of China comes up, many people immediately tune out. Anything to do with foreign relations is an immediate disconnect with an entire group of people. But even that group of people could understand and find The China Question interesting.

Silva-Braga does a slick job of making foreign relations and trade interesting. And that’s not an easy thing! He takes things into account with the perspective of his mother. After noticing that everything she looked at was made in China, even an Uncle Sam doll, she makes the conscious decision to stop buying things made in China. It’s her one way to make a difference, but will she?

The Director begins a more than one year journey between the plants and facilities in China and the former plants and facilities in the USA. He asks regular average people simple questions like, “Where do you think your hat was made?” Hats that proclaim Texas pride, US pride and some of the biggest US consumer products all have the same result, made in China. But it wasn’t always that way. There have been US hat makers as well, but their presence has dwindled when compared to the Chinese dominance of the consumer product.

The film also looks at simple things that are the difference between Chinese and American politics. The different controls of the media and so much more are covered in this tight documentary. Sure now that I’m even talking about this, I may have diminished my abilities to be read in the massive country.

But the questions are real and fair? What is the influence of China on the USA and what can anyone do about it?

How can we engage a population that doesn’t want to deal with real questions?

Brook Silva-Braga does a solid job of making a tough topic enjoyable and interesting. With the global marketplace that we live in, it makes sense to at least sneak a peek at this fascinating documentary. Maybe you too will take a stand much like that of Nancy Silva or maybe not, but you owe it to
yourself to get informed on the situation.

The China Question
Visit - http://thechinaquestion.com
Not Rated – 86 MIN
Directed by: Brook Silva-Braga
Narrated by: Brook Silva-Braga
Available NOW on Blu Ray and DVD.


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