A Look Back at the First Half of 2010

Posted by Unknown On Monday, 6 July 2015 0 comments
So the first half of 2010 is in the books and what have we seen?

January kicked the year off with a lovable Amy Adams (Leap Year), a gritty Denzel (The Book of Eli) and a return of Mel Gibson (Edge of Darkness).

February featured the aptly named romantic comedy (Valentine’s Day), Scorsese and Leo back together (Shutter Island) and the new romantic female hot property, Amanda Seyfried teaming with Channing Tatum (Dear John).

March burst on the scene with the first truly big 3D film and still the biggest grosser yet this year (Alice in Wonderland) a trip back to the 80s (Hot Tub Time Machine), and Robert Pattinson in something other than Twilight (Remember Me).

As we rolled into April (I celebrated another birthday)! Oh wait, that’s not a big deal to anyone. There were a number of films that didn’t screen for press. But J-Lo came back (The Back-Up Plan), Miley Cyrus played the grumpy teen (The Last Song), plus 3D got harshly criticized (Clash of the Titans). The biggest story from April was the lack of screenings of a number of films.

May started summer off with a bang. Tony Stark came back (Iron Man 2), romance blossomed for Amanda Seyfried again (Letters to Juliet), Shrek came back (Shrek Forever After), and the ladies that define fashion jetted off to Abu Dhabi (Sex and the City 2).

Finally, June launched the return of Aldus Snow (Get Him To The Greek), the 80s came back in one weekend (The A-Team and The Karate Kid), and Woody, Buzz and the gang returned for one last go around (Toy Story 3).

So what stood out?

My Favorite Films thus far?

Toy Story 3 had me excited and lived up to what I was hoping I would get when I stepped in the theater.

Shutter Island is still a solid film despite what some critics have said.

My Least Favorites?

Splice surprised me with all of its positive reviews, I just don’t understand them.

When In Rome was a comedy that just didn’t make me laugh that much, even on a second viewing on DVD.

I still don’t understand the appeal of Sex and the City 2…I know it’s just me, but I don’t get it.

Biggest Disappointment

The trend of another studio to not screen films – especially disappointing when 2 of them were some of my most anticipated of the summer…not surprising that they somewhat underperformed at the box office despite some
decent reviews from those who DID see them.

Overall the first half of 2010 underwhelmed me. I had hoped for so much more. Hopefully the next 6 months will redeem things. Twihards have certainly set the second half of the year off to a huge start. Where does it go from here? Only time will tell.

Pop Some Popcorn, Pop a Pepsi, and remember to Save Me A Seat!


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