Brasslands - Music Connects Worldwide

Posted by Unknown On Monday, 13 July 2015 0 comments
If you are in NYC tonight, 7/13/13 -- check out the very special event featuring this film. Details here.

Living in America, we don’t always see what music exists around the world. The popularity of bands from One Direction to The Rolling Stones are evident every day. But most musicians toil away in relative anonymity, working from gig to gig as they navigate the landscape that is life outside of a stadium show. There are people around the world that play for the love music and to support their families.  Whether a crowd of 10 or 100, a wedding or a local party, these musicians do what they love.

In America if we don’t hear it on a radio station we don’t think of the power and magic that simple music can convey.

Half a world away from us in a tiny Serbian village there is a festival that makes concert images in you head look tiny. Guca is a small Serbian village that time stands still in. The festival draws hundreds of thousands of revelers to this tiny village to experience the best trumpeters in the land. And the new film Brasslands we get to see the best American group making a trip to the international competition at this legendary festival alongside of some of the best Serbia has to offer.

What makes this film special is the ability it has to showcase a part of the world ravaged by America, coming together to support ALL musicians no matter where they came to Guca from are like family to the residents of this small town.

In Guca musicians that are legendary to those in the area walk down the street next to locals who do manual labor. The “rock stars” of the trumpet world will work for their dinner alongside anyone who wants to come forward.  What a refreshing change from those that couldn't care about anything other than their next seven figure record deal.

To be able to do what you love AND make a little money while you are doing it is amazing. And the stage that people get a chance to perform on after strolling the streets is bigger than most musicians that toil away in a garage. The funny thing is it is performing a musical style that most Americans would discount.
Culturally Brasslands explores people that are normal, common folks like myself. And that is why I connected with this film that is normally not my cup of tea.

Sure, I like documentaries, I always have. But music like that performed in this film never moved me, until I saw how it moved those that played it. Despite living in an area where an 11 day music festival just ended, I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to be in the sea of revelry that takes over Guca. We all need time to stand still once in awhile. And to have time stand still while you are doing what you love. Well that is a special song all itself.

Brasslands is a beautiful tribute to beautiful people, beautiful music, and beautiful sounds from a world away.
Sometimes despite our differences we can be reunited by something so simple. Music has that ability, whether it is rock, pop, jazz, or the sweet trumpet sounds of the Balkans. That feeling is universal and Brasslands exudes that feeling.




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