Review - Captain America: The First Avenger

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 25 July 2015 0 comments
America, The Captain Is Here
Scrawny but brave Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) wants nothing more than to serve his country during the greatest time of need he has experienced. Hitler is moving forward and the Nazis are increasing their threat every day. Although Rogers wants to help his country they will have nothing of him as he cannot get a medical clearance to enlist. But he keeps trying, over and over and over again. Until one day Dr. Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci) sees something he likes in Steve. He’s a good man, and the Army needs more “good” men for the good Doctor’s program.

Brought into a special program to create a super soldier; Steve progresses through the various tests and training, always being a step behind physically. But it is the mind that the Army needs, not the brawn. With this special serum, everything is enhanced. Not only do muscles grow, but the “bad” individuals become worse. In Steve Rogers they have found a man that will grow stronger and enhance the good that is within him. Steve Rogers will become, Captain America.

Captain America will fight for good, not evil. Even if it means embarking on a tour of the USA to sell war bonds, Steve just wants to do good by his country. But his ultimate goal is to help on the frontlines and on a tour overseas, he will get his chance to do something really legendary. But can he survive combat and save soldiers with his efforts? Or will the evil Red Skull (Hugo Weaving) have his way creating his own army of soldiers loyal to only him?

Captain America is a tale of two films. The film starts with the digitally altered Evans as a puny, weakling character and evolves to the ripped Captain America. The first part of that film feels weak as they set up the character. There is very little depth to the character that felt like it should have existed. We didn’t explore much of that “good” that was supposed to exist inside the character. Sure we find out he’s brave and won’t back down, but the “good” that was supposed to be enhanced is lacking in the early part of the film.

Where Captain America shines is as he is transformed. The kid who couldn’t keep up with the big guys, no matter how he tried was now able to fight back. Not only could he fight back, but he was brining the fight to those that would always look down on him.

Chris Evans is a star in this role, no question about it. And the film took great care to put a really solid cast around him. (An aside…is Stanley Tucci not great at everything.) If there is anything that suffers, it’s the lack of using some of the cast members like Neal McDonough and Derek Luke, we only get a little bit of them. But overall good acting will always enhance a film like this.

And let me mention two last things – the visuals of the period are really fun to see brought to comic book life here. The 40s are alive in Captain America not only visually but also in music. In fact, I’m not sure off the top of my head, but could the song here be in the mix come award season? If it qualifies, I say YES!

Captain America is a fun and exciting adventure despite its flaws. How can you not like the story of the underdog struggling to survive? America, the Captain is here!


Captain America: The First Avenger
Paramount Pictures

Director: Joe Johnston
Cast: Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Tommy Lee Jones, Hayley Atwell, Dominic Cooper, Stanley Tucci

Rating: PG-13
Runtime: 2 hours 5 minutes


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