Review - Horrible Bosses

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, 9 July 2015 0 comments
Horrible Bosses - Yes, Horrible Movie - No
We’ve all had them. Bosses that make us believe that nothing on earth could be worse. Bosses that don’t understand when you need a day off and bosses that think burn out is a kid they knew in high school. There are bosses that want everything done for them and now, and bosses that use your time and talents for their own benefit. But despite all these bosses that you may have experienced degrees of throughout the years, they are nothing like the bosses that Nick (Jason Bateman), Kurt (Jason Sudeikis) and Dale (Charlie Day) have.

When it comes to bad bosses, Nick’s ranks right up there. Dave Harken (Kevin Spacey) obsesses about every minute someone is late, even if no one is in the office. He makes Nick work late, weekends and even miss his Gam Gam’s last moments. But the line is finally crossed when he takes a promotion that Nick felt he was destined to get.

Kurt on the other hand has a great boss, well in the beginning of the film he does. But that boss is not long for this world. Instead he is about to deal with that boss’s son, the coke snorting, womanizing, less than professional Bobby Pellit (Colin Farrell). This behavior puts Bobby and Kurt at odds from word one.

And then there is Dr. Julia Harris (Jennifer Aniston). Dale deals with her inappropriate office behavior and Nick and Kurt just can’t seem to see what is so bad about her. Well of course, the newly engaged Dale is feeling very uncomfortable and can’t continue to work under these circumstances.

The three then come up with the brainy, alcohol induced, idea to eliminate their bosses. And hire a hitman consultant, because of course they can’t afford a real contract killer. Can these bumbling employees get rid of their less than desirable bosses?

Let me just say, this film is crude, crass and a bit over the top. It’s also funny, funny, funny.

Jason Bateman has a way with this type of film of leading a cast, but this is a true ensemble. From our main heroes of Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis to the bosses of Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey and Collin Farrell this is cast very well and makes the roles work.

We even get small roles that pop up in the course of things and folks like Jamie Foxx and Donald Sutherland help us tell the story that everyone can relate with. While we have all had a bad boss or two in the day, these bosses cross every line imaginable and therefore we feel the frustration, well except of course for Charlie Day’s boss.

The personalities of the men and their bosses work very well within the context of the film. There are moments that felt a bit harsh, but overall the laughs far outweigh everything here and the fantasy of getting rid of the worst of the worst bosses…well that is a fantasy that will be enjoyed by many.

Sure horrible bosses are bad, but the film is quite good and will have you laughing through your next meeting at the office.


Horrible Bosses
Warner Brothers Pictures

Director: Seth Gordon
Cast: Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey and Colin Farrell

Rating: Rated R for crude and sexual content, pervasive language and some drug material.
Runtime: 1 hour 40 minutes


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