This Campaign Deserves a Vote

Marty has always looked for a way to impress his father. This campaign is just what he needs to make a difference. This mild mannered family man will take the advice of a political hired gun named Tim Wattley (Dylan McDermott) to try to unseat the popular congressman.
Now the battle is on between the two and you will see a campaign unlike anything you have seen before.
The Campaign is laugh out loud funny and that’s not just a quote to get my name on a TV ad…in fact when it sticks to political foibles and when Ferrell and Galifianakis engage each other I really enjoyed it. HOWEVER, and you knew that was coming, there are a number of spots where it wanders and flattens out.
The spin the film puts on everything from television ads, to debates, and from kissing babies to the people behind the scenes works. It is unfortunate that they couldn’t spend all of the rather short run time on those aspects.
Both political parties get shots and there is no political bent here other than that ALL have their quirks…but there is more good here than so many believe of their local politicians.
In a time when we are ready to be bombarded by campaign ads as we choose another President; The Campaign is a welcome take on the process that will be front and center in our media for the next 3 months.
Warner Brothers Pictures
Director: Jay Roach
Cast: Will Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis, Dylan McDermott
Rating: R for crude sexual content, language and brief nudity.
Runtime: 1 hour 25 minutes
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