Review - Cowboys And Aliens

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, 2 August 2015 0 comments
Note: As I'm playing catch up from is an abbreviated version of my Cowboys And Aliens review.

Cowboys and Aliens Light Up The Screen

Aliens have filled are silver screens for years. Will Smith fought them in Independence Day. Sigourney Weaver went toe to toe with them in the Alien trilogy. And we even had a friendly guy named ET that needed to phone home. But for boys of all ages, what could be cooler than Cowboys and Aliens? Heck it’s Woody and Buzz, only Buzz isn’t so nice in this film!

A mysterious man (Daniel Craig) enters a sleepy town not remembering much after being dropped in the middle of the desert. As he soon finds out, the person he was, Jake Lonergan, rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

Woodrow Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) more or less runs this town. He has the money and the influence to make everything in the town work to his advantage. Dolarhyde’s son Percy and others get whisked away by spacecrafts; the town bands together to make every effort to fight back. Now the battle begins; Cowboys take on Aliens.

I love, love, love the acting talent on display in this film. Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford lead the way with the incredible supporting cast. As a team you will enjoy them. The visuals are stunning, coupling the old west with space age technology.

For this one, I have my hiccups with the aliens themselves. They came off a bit weird in behavior and style in the film. And the film itself tends to feel a bit long and overreaching.

Between the visuals in the film and the acting talent on display, Cowboys and Aliens light up the screen.


Universal Pictures

Director: Jon Favreau
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell, Paul Dano
Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of western and sci-fi action and violence, some partial nudity and a brief crude reference.
Runtime: 1 hour 58 minutes


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