Review - Eat Pray Love

Posted by Unknown On Friday, 14 August 2015 0 comments
A Delicious Film To Savor

Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) has reached a crossroads in her life. She has come to the realization that she just no longer wants to be married to Stephen (Billy Crudup). They have different visions, hopes, dreams, and have grown into different people.

So she has decided to change things in her life. While travelling towards her official divorce, she decides to take up with David (James Franco). He is an actor, much younger than herself, and the classic rebound guy. But David can’t fulfill that part of Liz that is restless. So she is about to set out on a yearlong journey in an attempt to find out more about herself.

The journey will visit Italy where Liz will eat like she never has eaten before. She will experience all that is put into some of the best food the world over. She will share it with friends that she meets along the way and experience all that Italy can offer her.

On from Italy she journeys to India, where she will meet up with The Guru that is at the center of her experience with prayer. Meditation and finding her spiritual awakening will be at the crux of this visit. While in Italy, she spends little time with the guru that leads the group, instead she meets a man who will fill her with more than she can ever imagine. Richard (Richard Jenkins) has a story, and knows what Liz is experiencing. His wisdom will show her more than she could ever hope for.

And finally, a return to visit a medicine man in Bali just may yield the keys to her rediscovering what love is.

Julia Roberts is solid as Liz, but some of the supporting characters tend to really carry the film. Richard Jenkins stands out as the man with a back story that drives him to get right in his spiritual life.

When critics talk about things being filmed beautifully, or great cinematography, Eat Pray Love is what we are talking about. As you journey through three far flung locales you can’t help but feel the location, almost acting as another character throughout.

Ryan Murphy directs this film that appeals to women in such a way that will enhance the viewing experience. He tightens up parts of the film to keep the running time under the 2 hour and 15 minute mark. Despite the running time, it seemed like there was a number of scenes left on the cutting room floor that would have enhanced the early scenes.

I liked the Italy experience best, but I think women will enjoy the final journey in Bali. This is an experience, and the journey is the film. Women will easily enjoy this film more than me; that said Eat Pray Love is a delicious experience meant to be savored.


Eat Pray Love
Columbia Pictures

Director: Ryan Murphy
Cast: Julia Roberts, Richard Jenkins, Javier Bardem, Billy Crudup, James Franco, Viola Davis

Rating: PG-13 for brief strong language, some sexual references and male rear nudity.
Runtime: 133 minutes.


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