A Closer Look - Submit The Documentary

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, 16 September 2015 0 comments
Submit The Documentary
We all think we are safe.

We all think our kids are safe.

We all think that our kids online friends are tame and do nothing wrong.

We are wrong.

Submit The Documentary takes a look at bullying. Not the kind of bullying that occurs with a punch or a slap. This is the kind of bullying that gets inside of a kids head. And this can be lethal.

Behind the anonymity of a computer screen it is easy to become something you are not. Look at the numbers of adults that get scammed daily with a "Send Me Money" email, or "You are a winner, just send me $500 to claim your prize" emails. They get taken even though they know better.

Now look at your 12, 13, 14 year old sitting next to you. They have much less general street sense than a 45 year old individual. And they are getting taken by people posing as their friends, and then turning to bully them.

In the film we meet more than one parent with children that were bullied so bad online that they have met the ultimate demise.

We meet experts that desperately try to impart the knowledge that this bullying exists AND that it is more threatening than a push on the playground.

And we meet kids that think it's ok to post things online that aren't true. Things that they wouldn't say in person to someone get typed on a computer screen and get seen by more people than ever before.

Submit The Documentary is on a mission. A mission to enlighten parents and kids around the world.

They believe in their mission so much that they are doing everything they can to get the word out about this film.

I count myself privileged to have been able to experience the film. As a parent of a 9 year old daughter - this time is approaching my life at warp speed. I'm grateful to have had my eyes reopened. I know the online wilderness - but not every parent does. And Submit The Documentary will help EVERY parent become more vigilant and aware of the pitfalls of social media.

Social Media is NOT inherently bad -- but it can be used for both good and bad. It's up to the adults to help kids navigate the minefield and express our love for them. We need to support and be nosy where it is needed. But the key is we need to educate those kids!

To the boys out there -- no girl really wants to see your junk, DON'T text it / instagram it/ Vine it/ Facebook it / Tweet it or ANYTHING ELSE.

To the girls out there -- EVERY BOY really wants to see your junk, DON'T text it / instagram it/ Vine it/ Facebook it / Tweet it or ANYTHING ELSE.

Be good to each other! Together we can make the online environment a better place.

And THANKS to the folks behind Submit The Documentary for a really enlightening piece that is easy to understand.

If you have kids on social media, you NEED to see this film.

Visit the film's website at SUBMIT THE DOCUMENTARY to see upcoming screenings and other ways to get the word out on this important film.


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