A different kind of post...just me....

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 12 September 2015 0 comments
For those of you who have been reading awhile...I have tried to keep to movies here on a regular basis and just movies...but it's time to refocus the blog.
My Family at our local Smurfs 2 screening.

Don't worry -- the movie content is not going away, I just plan on adding more of me, and other topics to the mix. I hope I won't turn you off, but I'm going to use the blog to talk about a variety of things. I hope you don't mind.

Today I just want to put up a couple words about what I do.

It's a blessing to be able to have the forum that I've had over the years. I've been providing content on my site, my way for over 15 years. And yes -- it can be a lot of fun.

I'm extremely proud of what I've done and how I've behaved through the years and for the most part I'll keep that behavior front and center.

It's funny though...

I see reports all over the media about a blogger (based in NYC) that at the Toronto film festival called 911 to report alledged piracy at a "Press and Industry" screening of a film. Sure -- cell phone usage at some screenings is rampant at places like Toronto. Now all over the media -- cell phone usage in movies is being debated. As is the actions of this blogger in calling 911. He has since apologized and says that was over the line, but still -- does anyone think he isn't enjoying the increased traffic at his site as his name and site are all over this story. Has anyone asked -- maybe this is a publicity stunt for his site? Who knows? But I'm not talking about his site here....just the story. I should be so lucky to have his 30,000 + followers on twitter. But I don't -- maybe I'm just too nice.

I see another prominent blogger that constantly belittles people who disagree with him on any issue. Especially of a political nature. Now I'm someone who thinks that all views have validity...I may not agree with one side of things or the other, but good people can disagree. Just because you don't agree with me on  one or more topics does not make you a bad person (nor does it make me a bad person). But I won't stoop to bullying or belittling folks that have let me into their lives by reading what I've wrote, watching television appearances or listening to radio visits. Sure I'd love his 16,000+ followers on twitter, but I can't find myself the courage to belittle people like that,  I just don't -- maybe I'm just too nice.

So maybe, overall...I'm too nice.

When I see a good movie, life is good.

Maybe I need to be more assertive.

Maybe I need to state my case a little better.

Maybe I need to make more of my future...but I want to do it nicely.

I want to have spirited debates, but never get to the point of name calling.

Sure I want to be relevant, I've been doing this a long time and know my stuff.

So expect more posts from just me....on relevant points, on points I want to talk about, on just about anything. I want to hear what you want to talk about as well. I can't wait for where the journey will take us.

I'll be posting trailers, and many less formal full posts.

I'll be posting personal stories and stories that are just a rehash of the news.

I'll be posting comments about anything and everything.

I love my family and friends, I love my faith, I love the sun, I love warm weather, I love football season and I LOVE THE MOVIES -- watch for all that and MORE in the weeks to come.

Thanks everyone!



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