Milwaukee Film Festival 2011 (MY Film Festival -- Day 1)

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, 22 September 2015 0 comments
It’s Time For MyFilm Festival

Everyone and their brother it seems, other than me, has just returned from the wonderful Toronto International Film Festival, and of course I longed to have been there.

But despite the fact that I couldn’t get to Toronto; I have a festival to keep me busy for the next week PLUS. It’s the Milwaukee Film Festival and it’s running September 22 – October 2 at various theaters around the city.
Remember I wrote the piece earlier this year that even if you can make the biggies like Toronto, Sundance, SXSW, Telluride or Cannes – you CAN still get to a fest in your own backyard. (CHECK OUT THE PIECE FROM EARLIER THIS YEAR).

This year the Milwaukee Film Festival branches out a bit to have a full run at the Marcus Ridge cinema in the Milwaukee suburb of New Berlin. I happen to live in New Berlin…so…since I’m going to be spending a lot of time at that theater, I view this as MY film festival. (Even though I didn’t program it…my OTHER film festival is usually at home with a number of films that just I want to watch.)

The only bummer about a hometown film festival is that you still have regular responsibilities to family and other tasks and can’t fully engulf yourself in the festival. But that’s ok; it just means there are some days I had to cross off attending films this year. Disappointed, a little – but my tentative schedule has nearly 20 films in it…and that’s not bad at all.

Gala opening night is tonight with the feature Natural Selection (but alas this is one of the nights I can’t make).

Watch as the days pass by and I talk about a number of the films. I may even have some pictures, video and chats with directors and stars.

What am I looking forward to on my tentative schedule?
Lots and lots of documentaries!

What am I disappointed for on the schedule?
None of the Cream City films are showing out at the Ridge…I do have a chance to see Points of Interest via a link from director Jon Salimes (so I’ll have some comments on that)

Sad to miss?
Natural Selection and We Need To Talk About Kevin (both due to personal schedule conflicts.

First Film on my schedule?

Last Film On My Schedule?
Who knows how much I make it through…but looking for Louder Than A Bomb and possibly Into Eternity.

If you go...please say HI to me...I won't bite, I promise! (As long as it's not in the middle of a movie either in person or on a cell phone.) I have a big pass on that you can see from a mile away so you'll know it's me.

Watch as the days go by and I give you a taste of some of the films in the 2011 Milwaukee Film Festival.



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