Milwaukee Film Festival 2014 - 1971 Kicks It Off

Posted by Unknown On Friday, 25 September 2015 0 comments

Loved this photo by the MKE Film crew! Credit: MKE FILM
The sun rises on Milwaukee with some of the best weather summer weather we have had…since fall started. (then again that was Tuesday…and summer didn’t really exists here this year…but I digress).

With the dawning of the day, it is time to get things started for the 2014 edition of the Milwaukee
Film Festival.

Opening Night brings with it a documentary this year, one of my favorite things to check out during the festival. This film is 1971 and it is your only pick on opening night (well there is the big shindig after the film, but I’m only talking about the movies here.)

Here’s your breakdown for tonight.



The story of the 1971 break-in at the FBI office in Media, PA and the subsequent release of the confidential documents to the media came before Snowden, before Wikileaks and before Watergate. It is the first time that some of the individuals that carried out the brazen break-in had their story come out.

The story from director Johanna Hamiltion (Scheduled to appear for questions) turns into a skillfully crafted thriller.

There is a combination of interview footage (and some good stuff here), archival footage and reenactments to tell the story.

The journey comes from the protest backgrounds of the individuals through the break-in and on to the investigation.

In light of all that is going on in society today, it is interesting to see this look inside the entire process of what must have gone on with many a case through the year.
A fascinating and riveting film that shows one of the reasons I LOVE documentaries!

Get out and see it.

Welcome Johanna to our incredible city and welcome back Milwaukee Film Festival 2014 – We’ve missed you!

Saturday 9/27 – 1:45PM Oriental Theatre

Check out the 1971 Trailer, below!


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