50 Movies in 50 Days – The Lie

Posted by Unknown On Monday, 26 October 2015 0 comments

Day 4
I promised I wouldn’t be updating every day…but I couldn’t resist this one. Last night I had the opportunity to see Anonymous. The movie follows the thought of what if Shakespeare wasn’t really Shakespeare? What if the works of a master were really created by someone other than who they were attributed to? An intriguing premise with a solid film behind it, but that review comes Friday and isn’t the “lie” that I’m referring to in the title.

My schedule had me to the theater for the screening quite early on this Tuesday night. I was the first to arrive and sit in the press seats. About 10 minutes prior to the show I was still one of the only ones there when two 40-50 year old women came up and said to me we are confiscating or commandeering these seats. Well I politely asked, did you check with the rep for the studio and they said yes they did…so I thought….no big deal, they weren’t bothering me (though I knew there were more people coming).

I bumped into another couple critics soon after and we all got comfy together as the two women held down their seats. Then the rep came back in and asked who they were…especially when she saw all of us cramped together. She promptly kicked them down a row out of the seats they “confiscated” and a glare or two were shot our way. Though we hadn’t said anything at all, they just assumed we were the “bad” guys.

The part that still baffles me is why they would lie to me in the first place. I’m a nice guy…I would have showed them who the rep was and they might have found some open seats in the same row down the aisle. Instead it was a sense of entitlement for these women as they mumbled (no one ever sits here anyway – which is blatantly untrue….hello!!!)

Ugh…the movie went on and everything was good. Thanks to our rep, she did her job properly. But when do you get to the point of just bending and breaking every rule out there. Why not just take the other “available” seats in the theater? What makes you better than others? And why do you have to compound matters by lying? And better yet…at what age should you have known better?

That was the weird start to the night…that and the fact that a number of people brought young children to this film…why??? I have know idea…though I give the one woman kudos for taking her child out IMMEDIATELY when he started acting up. But what would possess anyone to think a child would have a good time with Anonymous is beyond me.

Ahh fun in the theaters – 50 Movies in 50 Days will have more stories…I’m sure….but get me to day 5!

Summary – Through Day 4 (4 Movies Puss in Boots, The Double, Monte Carlo, Anonymous)


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