50 Movies in 50 Days -- Movies, Movies, Movies

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 31 October 2015 0 comments

50 Movies in 50 Days – Movies, Movies, Movies
Day 5 (10/26)
My theatrical fun for the week was done with Anonymous. But that doesn’t mean I’m done this week, OH NO!

First up, I was perusing the selections on HBO GO and came across a documentary I had missed that I really wanted to check out, Dirty Driving; Thundercars of Indiana. For those of you who know me, you know I love documentaries on every subject imaginable. And in my past I’ve seen a number of short track races…this was fascinating and quick. Just under 70 minutes of bumper to bumper action (both on and off the track) in a town that loves racing. It’s set up to go off HBO GO on 10/31 but hopefully it will take another run, or you can find it elsewhere.

Followed that up with another HBO GO title, one I haven’t seen in awhile and it helped me get in the mood for Halloween, the original The Amityville Horror. The overbearing music, the creepy happenings and James Brolin’s wild facial hair are the stars in this creepy film. I still remember reading the book as a kid and being creeped out for days! The movie holds up ok, but I can definitely recommend it.

Day 6 (10/27)
Time to check out a classic, Caddyshack. I love to revisit this film at least once a year, and with a lull in titles (Since Fox didn’t want to show In Time) I was game.

Day 7 (10/28)
Two titles for the day…first up was a chance to revisit the boys. You know the boys who had RE-premiered a day earlier on MTV. Beavis and Butthead Do America. Hard to believe that the film is 15 years old, but most of the jokes are just as inane and funny as they were then! Some fall a little flat, but to spend some time with the Great Cornholio in search of their TV and scoring….well was pretty fun!

Second up one that surpised me (tried to watch Your Highness on BluRay rental from Blockbuster – but Universal Blu – Ray rental disc never work right in my PS3….so moved on instead to Legendary. You know the movie about wrestling and coping with John Cena from the WWE. Oh, you don’t know? Well this was a bit better than one could hope for as the talented Patricia Clarkson starred with Danny Glover and Cena in this one. Sure its formula, but it was solid for the most part.

Day 8 (10/29)
An outdoor viewing took place of How To Train Your Dragon – as part of a Halloween party. Great outdoor viewing with good friends…despite being REALLY COLD I enjoyed sitting with my daughter and watching – though she quickly headed for the fire!

Then we had to leave (they had Frailty up next – one of my FAVORITE scares…but my daughter is 7 and it was approaching 9PM…couldn’t do it). But my wife showed an interest in a scary movie – dug up Carriers which wasn’t as scary as one might hope for, but a decent little horror flick for the end of a long day.

Day 9 (10/30)
It’s a Sunday – God rested, and so did I! No movies, a little football, a little trick or treat, some light reading but no movies….but I started Day 10 (Halloween) with a movie at MIDNIGHT CT – more on that next time.

Summary – Through Day 9 (11 Movies Viewed - Puss in Boots, The Double, Monte Carlo, Anonymous, Dirty Driving: Thundercars of Indiana, The Amityville Horror, Caddyshack, Beavis and Butthead Do America, Legendary, How To Train Your Dragon, Carriers)


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