Ok...so during the Milwaukee Film Festival I got to experience about 25-30 films and truly needed some time off from writing to prep for the impending run through the awards' season. But I'm back now, and you can look to virtual daily posts about the end of the year at the movies.
But just because I haven't written about things, doesn't mean I haven't had an opinion.
Check out this audio link of this week's appearance with Mark Reardon at KMOX in St. Louis for an audio take on The Fifth Estate and Escape Plan -- plus Mark's take on Carrie (not screened for the press in my area).
Don't want to listen (why not?) -- ok ok...here's a quick take for you on the newest films, without a full written review (even as I haven't written for a week or two...I've been watching a TON).
In theaters....
Captain Phillips is an intense film that features a performance by Tom Hanks that is up there with some of his best. Hanks as the shipping captain is spot on and makes you feel his desperation and devotion in the circumstances that he was placed into. I loved this and it's a must see. Definitely one of the best of the year.
Paul's Grade - A
The Fifth Estate left me feeling a bit empty. Sure I didn't follow the Wikileaks story as close as I could have, but I really thought this film did a bit of a disservice to the story by not looking deeper at the stories they uncovered. Instead the film focuses on Daniel Berg (Daniel Bruhl) and Julian Assange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and their relationship and personal battles. That focus causes it to become a bit dull and uninteresting despite great performances by Bruhl and Cumberbatch.
Paul's Grade - C-
Escape Plan surprised me! For the most part it was a pleasant surprise. The Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger film was a total throwback to 80s action fun. The story being that of a man who goes into prisons to find a way to break out and help the prisons lock it down. Very true Stallone/Schwarzenegger filmmaking and for the most part it works. You get an appropriate amount of one-liners, slow camera shots, memorable action sequences and everything you really wanted from this type of movie. But then, while it rolled along with everything you want, it goes WAY off the rails with one of the most ludicrous endings that I have seen in some time. It was like...ok, we got to here...we have no more time, so let's ignore part two of the conclusion...no one will care. And yet that is what I cared most about. I assumed the other part, just wondering how it would happen. I call it the "Happily Ever After" ending...where we decide it's just that ... end of movie. Without the ending it would be a B/B- but ultimately the ending matters...so we end up lower than that.
Paul's Grade - C+
On DVD/Blu-ray
Little Mermaid / Diamond Edition is the perfect addition to any Disney fan's collection. The clarity of the transfer and sound alone make it a must add to any serious Disney collector's library, but you add in a bevy of Special Features and you've got hours of true Disney enjoyment. AVAILABLE NOW
Home Run is a faith based film that follows a professional athlete that forgets what got him the fame
that he finds so dear. He lets alcohol and his own ego virtually destroy his career and it takes the road back to his home town to dig deeper into who he is and who he can lead on for support. Any film that starts with a testimonial from Brett Butler (a personal favorite of mine growing up as he played in San Francisco because of the way he played the game) is ok by me. The faith part of the message is overt, but not overbearing.
And that's just the beginning! Hope I caught you up on what I've been up to...now get ready for a crazy ride the next couple weeks.
But just because I haven't written about things, doesn't mean I haven't had an opinion.
Check out this audio link of this week's appearance with Mark Reardon at KMOX in St. Louis for an audio take on The Fifth Estate and Escape Plan -- plus Mark's take on Carrie (not screened for the press in my area).

In theaters....
Captain Phillips is an intense film that features a performance by Tom Hanks that is up there with some of his best. Hanks as the shipping captain is spot on and makes you feel his desperation and devotion in the circumstances that he was placed into. I loved this and it's a must see. Definitely one of the best of the year.
Paul's Grade - A
The Fifth Estate left me feeling a bit empty. Sure I didn't follow the Wikileaks story as close as I could have, but I really thought this film did a bit of a disservice to the story by not looking deeper at the stories they uncovered. Instead the film focuses on Daniel Berg (Daniel Bruhl) and Julian Assange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and their relationship and personal battles. That focus causes it to become a bit dull and uninteresting despite great performances by Bruhl and Cumberbatch.
Paul's Grade - C-

Paul's Grade - C+
On DVD/Blu-ray
Little Mermaid / Diamond Edition is the perfect addition to any Disney fan's collection. The clarity of the transfer and sound alone make it a must add to any serious Disney collector's library, but you add in a bevy of Special Features and you've got hours of true Disney enjoyment. AVAILABLE NOW
Home Run is a faith based film that follows a professional athlete that forgets what got him the fame
that he finds so dear. He lets alcohol and his own ego virtually destroy his career and it takes the road back to his home town to dig deeper into who he is and who he can lead on for support. Any film that starts with a testimonial from Brett Butler (a personal favorite of mine growing up as he played in San Francisco because of the way he played the game) is ok by me. The faith part of the message is overt, but not overbearing.
And that's just the beginning! Hope I caught you up on what I've been up to...now get ready for a crazy ride the next couple weeks.
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