Midweek Fun - Anchorman 2 Trailer and More

Posted by Unknown On Friday, 23 October 2015 0 comments
I'm not gonna lie -- this has been a long, slow week....

I've been getting a lot accomplished, but man....how i needed this. I'm hungry and what shows up in my email. A release announcing Scotchy Scotch Scotch...I'm hungry and could use some ice cream and I get an email on Ron Burgundy's flavor? Send me some...I want some!! Ben? Jerry? Ron? Paramount? Are you listening? YUMM!!!

Roun Burgundy himself is quoted as saying. “Scotchy, Scotch, Scotch is a delicious ice cream and I hope Ben and Jerry consider my other suggestions...Malt liquor marshmallow, well liquor bourbon peanut butter, and cheap white wine sherbet.” 

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues is in theaters this December from Paramount Pictures.

But that's not all this column has on Anchorman 2... The new trailer is below, and yes I laughed a lot!

Not into Anchorman news, ok, though you should be. The Los Angeles Times broke the story yesterday that The Monuments Men (scheduled to open this December as well) has moved to 2014. Visual effects that weren't completed in time is listed as part of the reason.

For those of you that think this job is all easy (it is fun)... I had to go from the tone of 12 Years A Slave this week to seeing Bad Grandpa the very next day. Yep - 2 very different movies and the mindset leaving the theater was 180 degrees different. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Last but not least, let me leave you with this...

When walking my daughter to the bus this morning, with a light layer of frost on the surface we had the following discussion.

Dad: Looks like Jack Frost came over night...
Daughter: Do you think Jack Frost gets the other characters from Rise Of The Guardians to help him when there is this much frost around?

Maybe he does....maybe he does. (Movies are life in my household). I love the innocence of youth!

Until next time.

Hug those special to you and be nice to someone!

Oh and enjoy the show!



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