Review - Anonymous

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 31 October 2015 0 comments
Is He To Be Or Not To Be?

Imagine if you will, William Shakespeare did not write all the Shakespearean works that exist. What if those works were the labors of someone else, but William Shakespeare just took credit for them? Are you thinking now??? This is the premise of the new film, Anonymous.

The Earl of Oxford (Rhys Ifans)had a love of writing. This, despite the fact, that the household in which he grew up was not appreciative of art of this kind. In fact they banned him from writing, as it was the work of the devil.

Though discouraged, he sets out to write and he is also drawn to the young Queen Elizabeth (Joely Richardson). The two start an affair that leads to a child. And despite the attempts to stay together, they are pushed apart.

Now The Earl is expressing himself through plays. Writing down some of the most incredible works the people have seen, but staying in the shadows as an unknown actor named William Shakespeare rises up to take the credit for writing the works that made a legend.

So will we ever see who really has written these works? Or is this just another fable put together to distract from the greatness of a talented writer?

I’ll admit it. I’m not a huge Shakespeare fan. There I said it. So a movie with the premise that Shakespeare really wasn’t Shakespeare is a bit intriguing, yet with working in the period I worry it could be tedious. Instead, director Roland Emmerich gives us a story that’s part mystery, part theory and part crazy but always fascinating. The premise, while on the surface seems crazy, is put together in such a way that will make you enjoy the period in which Shakespeare composed his works (whomever Shakespeare really is).

Actors that are perfectly cast include Rhys Ifans and the wonderfully talented Vanessa Redgrave. Redgrave especially is pleasing to see back onscreen in all her glory as the elder Queen Elizabeth. And Ifans works well with her in the later meetings and during his quest to write like he never has before.

As a whole the film works and I found myself glued to my seat in anticipation of what light through the next scene would break. Sure, it’s a film outside of my comfort zone, and one that I didn’t think I would like. But alas, I hath found peace with Shakespeare. Although I still don’t know if he be or not be…


Columbia Pictures

Director: Roland Emmerich
Cast: Rhys Ifans, Vanessa Redgrave, Rafe Spall, David Thewils, Joely Richardson

Rating: PG-13 for some violence and sexual content.
Runtime: 2 hours 10 minutes


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