Review - Gravity

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, 4 October 2015 0 comments

Amazingly Beautiful and Terrifying at the Same Time

Space. It’s something that has fascinated people throughout time. It’s a vast wilderness above our Gravity all of these facets are exposed.
heads every day of our lives. It’s a magical and enchanting, yet vast and frightening place that we all know about. In the new film

Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a scientist that is implementing her newest project in space. Having never been up before, she did go through a crash course on space travel, but it was just this, a short program to get her up to implement her project.

Mission Commander Matt Kowalski (George Clooney) is just enjoying a spacewalk with his jet pack as he realizes that there is no way he will set a space walk record, simply because he doesn’t have enough fuel. But the happy-go-lucky attitude is about to change.

As a satellite in orbit is destroyed and chain reaction is set in motion that leads to debris headed towards Matt’s shuttle crew. This debris is moving at a rate that could be catastrophic and everyone scatters for safety.

During the virtual “attack” from the debris Ryan is sent catapulting out into space, alone.

Now with decreasing oxygen (running faster than normal with her anxiety) she finds herself alone, with visions of the stars, the earth and miles of darkness. Will she grab her senses and survive?

Visually, this is a stunning film. Shots showing us the beauty and the majesty of everything around our Earth will leave you mesmerized. But the visuals are NOT the only thing going for Gravity.

Sandra Bullock is amazing as Ryan Stone. In what is probably her best dramatic role in her career she is able to take viewers inside the mind of a normally rational and scientific woman who is put in a position that exposes her inner fears. The roller coaster ride that is Bullock’s experience is a trip that we all go on with her in a film that is really carried by one actor and the vast expanse of space.

Gravity is amazingly acted, beautifully shot, and full of interesting questions. I can’t get the film out of my mind to understand truly what went on for 90 minutes, and that is a very good thing.


Warner Brothers Pictures

Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Cast: Sandra Bulock, George Clooney

Rating: PG-13 for intense perilous sequences, some disturbing images and brief strong language.
Runtime: 1 hour 30 minutes


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