Security at Movie Screenings - No Common Sense?

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, 3 October 2015 0 comments

Movies are a great American collective experience. Sharing a night at the movies is something that truly can engage viewers for weeks, months or even a lifetime.

As a member of the press, one of the privileges that I’m afforded is to see films before they are released. The only way I can talk about them on the radio or television station is to see them before I’m talking on air on a Friday. And it’s a privilege I am extremely grateful to the studios for the opportunity to utilize.

That said, I full well understand that what I’m about to write may rub some people the wrong way. And some of those people are studios and publicity people that I absolutely love to work with. But I need to get something off my chest.

The security measures at screenings are sometimes bordering on the ridiculous.

I AGREE, the studios should take recording devices from the crowd, even though they can be the only lifeline to the outside world should something crazy happen.

I give up my cell phone whenever I’m asked, as that is just part of doing this job (or leave it when I don’t want to give it up).

Although there is sensitive info in my phone; I entrust it to the men and women of the security team, believing none of that info will be compromised.

I can understand that. (And like I said…for the most part…I generally like these guys and gals.)

But last night’s screening was…well harder than going through the airport can be to get into.

First question – blanket rule is out there – take recording devices….(what am I going to do to record a presentation in 3D? Stick my cell phone behind my glasses and film that way? And if I AM doing that…shouldn’t 4 security guards in a theater of about 150 people be able to catch me? That doesn’t seem reasonable…yet I happily handed over my phone as I prepared for a good film with my wife and daughter.

As I have it out and am going to the table to hand it over, I’m stopped by a security guard that wants to wand me to make sure…well I’m not sure what they are looking for by wanding me…more recording equipment beyond my phone I have in my hand, I guess…

Sporting Events...ok..but come on.
No problem…had the wand run over me many times in the past…no big deal. Then he stops and tells me to take out any change or keys? Really? (no bucket to put it in, or organization like at the airport) so now the silly picture of me is holding my cell phone (which I could not get to the table to check in, and my keys (house and car) with my arms spread. (Thankfully I had no change on me at the time or I’d have really looked silly).

As he proceeded to the run the wand over me it hit on something in my pocket…what’s in there he asked? With my shorts being so amazingly bulky I guess….I said…umm…some PAPER MONEY and a credit card (which I then had to take out)…REALLY????? So I sarcastically asked…do you want the STACK of credit cards from my other pocket???  (I was told, NO that STACK of 6 didn’t set off the wand – I guess the American Express card really IS special!

Only then was I allowed to go to the next step and check my cell phone. And get in to enjoy the movie….and I’m sitting in the front row of the stadium seating with other members of the press. (PLUS some of those guards have seen me at least one other time this week!)

The kicker on all this is there were 4 security guards present. Couldn’t the 4 have been put to better use IN the theater watching for people that were trying to do no good…trying to record the movie, opening their phones and talking or texting (that they snuck by the security folks), instead of sitting in the lobby “guarding” the phones that they took from us.
That said I don’t want them PACING across the theater like some security folks have (being in the front row of the stadium seats means getting walked in front of like 10 times in some movies). And – since we had to give up our phones…what about the security guards who are in the theater – who I’ve seen lights on THEIR phones go off during the film. And lastly – maybe understanding that if you are standing on the side by the entrance, when you carry on a full blown CONVERSATION in a loud tone…we can all hear you – and that hurts the movie!

Ok….I need to bring it back a bit now….

Again – I’m a huge supporter of Hollywood keeping tabs on their copyrights on their property. I’m a huge supporter of not allowing the audience to bring their phones in…not even from the standpoint of recording, but just from being a nuisance. (There are a TON of stories I could share here). But it seems to me we’ve lost one important thing…common sense.

As a member of the press covering this title…I’m working and would NEVER do anything to jeopardize that fact. Heck, I’m someone that’s online that STILL doesn’t roll things out in advance of release date. I love the studios, the reps, and even some of the security.

I just wish we all could start thinking a little more, and understanding that this shouldn’t be an unpleasant experience even before settling down in your seat.

I love being a movie critic.
I love movies.
I love what I do. 

I just would like to leave the cavity searches…to my doctor.


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