30 Days With The Movies - Day 27

Posted by Unknown On Friday, 13 November 2015 0 comments
30 Days With The Movies
Monday, November 12
Day 27

Monday's are always one of those days -- but on this day I have a couple of deadlines pressed up against me and they will probably cause me to miss one of the two screenings on my agenda. (The Impossible and Life of Pi) Wish they were both in the afternoon -- that would work for me....but instead I end up having to miss the morning screening. The Impossible will have to wait.

But my afternoon is filled with Life of Pi. And to think no ACTUAL pies were harmed in the making of this picture...except maybe in the craft services area. But the number of Pi (I remember it as 3.14 -- and it goes on, makes an appearance in the film!)

Instead, the story told in 3D with a couple of the local critics in attendance is the afternoon entertainment. A visual spectacle from director Ang Lee, we'll have to wait to talk about it further. But it definitely IS worth seeing in 3D and is an amazing story, told in all its visual glory.

The day featured no new arrivals, well it was a postal holiday anyway and after watching a bit of the Milwaukee Bucks/Philadelphia 76ers game (yea I know there are only like 3 teams in the NBA) I decided to get another movie in for the day.

During the game however, did some Facebook page updating and blog updating and man...there's a lot of stuff to do... plus put up this week's issue of the Home Screening Room -- though I held that to go live until Tuesday morning.

But what did I catch after all was said and done, and what was the last title to get in...Safety Not Guaranteed. Had been wanting to see this for some time as when it originally screened in the market there was a schedule conflict with another film and I had missed it. And let me say this about the film. There aren't many people out there cooler than Mark Duplass. Ok, so I absolutely am a junkie on the FX series, The League...but Duplass is clever and brings witty yet fun films to the screen that will make you think while you enjoy. The story of a "purported" time traveler that could just be someone that is paranoid will not interrupt the space time continuum. Instead you will just simply enjoy the ride.

So ends, yet another day on the journey....hopefully you have been enjoying the ride thus far...hopefully we'll have some more stories to tell in the future.

Tomorrow, could be a down day....I have one screening on the schedule, but Red Dawn will have to wait as my daughter has her Fine Arts Night and Dad needs to be a Dad first!

Sit Back, Relax, and Save Me A Seat!



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