SNAPSHOTS - Harry Potter and the rest.

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, 18 November 2015 0 comments
Remotely accessing the blog, so the full reviews won't go online until this evening...but here's the SNAPSHOTS.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 - scary for some, this will take Harry Potter fans to the brink with a solid, yet unspectacular setup for the final film next year. Much like the early chapters of a book, there is a lot of exposition that goes on and it can sometimes be confusing for the casual fan. A solid, yet unspectacular effort. B

The Next Three Days - Russell Crowe and Elizabeth Banks in a Paul Haggis film about a woman in jail for murder and her husband that will do anything to get her back. A little out there at times, but definitely a solid popcorn flick. Quick and hard driving action sequences will definitely get the blood going. B-

127 Hours - Now reaching out in wider release, this has one of the performances of the year from James Franco. The one scene may make you uncomfortable, but it should. Franco takes viewers through the whole range of emotions in this award worthy performance. A man trapped goes through feelings like no other. A-

Fair Game - Also now rolling into its wider release window, this is the Valerie Plame story brought to the screen by Naomi Watts and Sean Penn. It's a faster paced thriller type as it's framed and that's not a bad thing. Definitely worth checking out. B-

Those are your SNAPSHOTS on this week's new offerings -- Look for these as we go forward Every Friday at 12:01 AM -- with full reviews to follow! If you don't have time for the full review, always take a peek at the Common Guy's Snapshots.


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