Milwaukee Film Festival 2013 - 4 Films Not To Miss

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 0 comments
As the 2013 Milwaukee Film Festival winds down I wanted to share 4 films that I would think you should check out before it ends...I think spending time with these film will be a positive film 
experience for anyone.

Date America - 10/6 (8:30PM) - Oriental Theatre
If you haven't seen Date America, this is the type of film that the Film Festival can bring to the light of everyone. It's Wisconsin through and through and funny but real. I've written a lot about this film in the past week, from the sold out screenings to this chance to show in the big theatre at the Oriental, check it out.

August: Osage County - 10/7 (7:30PM) Oriental Theatre
August: Osage County feautres Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Ewan McGregor and a million other talented actors. Ok, so a million is an overstatement, but the John Wells directed film will be probably talked about for the soon to come awards season that is already underway.

Somm - 10/8 (8:00PM) Oriental Theatre
Somm surprised me, I was excited to see it...but it's a a film about becoming the best of the best at wine knowledge so I didn't expect an emotional attachment to the featured individuals. I was wrong. The film does an amazing job of making you struggle through the cram sessions, the emotions, and the pressure that goes into becoming the best at what you do. It doesn't matter what task you are trying to accomplish it's the story of the quest to be the best and that will resonate with anyone.

Spinning Plates - 10/9 (7:45PM) Fox-Bay Cinema
Spinning Plates impressed me. For a film that is all about food on a number of different levels this really is an inpresive documentary -- just make sure you've eaten dinner before you go.


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