Milwaukee Film Festival - Day 11 Preview

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 0 comments

The last Sunday of the festival features fun for everyone. Including your last chance to see the homegrown Date America. Get out there today! Go on...GO!

Bob Murray Get the Big Stage

Wisconsinite Bob Murray goes from Milwaukee to Los Angeles in the back of a cab in search of love and more. Along the way he has lined up dates in cities across America, but is true love waiting miles from home, or is there more to be learned along the way. This is a film that I found myself laughing with as it begins to implode. In the early part of the film, there is a lot of humor, much of it comes as Bob is willing to say and do just about anything on camera. But there is a more serious side to the film as well. The notion of setting out to do something, that thing that will make you happy, that thiing that will satisfity that need you have inside of you. This is one that will leave you with a smile on your face and worth a good night out.

Date America - Showings
10/6 (8:30PM) - Oriental Theatre

Where I'm Going To Be

Looking forward tonight to checking out Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me at the Fox-Bay Cinema.
Who influenced R.E.M.? None other than Big Star, a critically accalaimed band from the 70s that was lauded by critics, but didn't sell the big numbers that others may have. Their journey is finally told and should be an interesting look inside the band that produced 3 of Rolling Stones Top 500 albums. And if you're there toinight...say hi...that is before I'm rocking out.

Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me - Showings
10/6 (8:00PM) - Fox-Bay Cinema
10/9 (4:45PM) - Downer Theatre

In Case You Missed Them...

Some of my favorites from earlier in the fest are airing today.

If You Build It - 1:00PM at the Oriental Theatre (Read More)
Maidentrip - 1:00PM at the Fox-Bay Cinema (Read More)
Remote Area Medical - 6:30PM at the Oriental Theatre (Read More)

Tomorrow - a biggie - August: Osage County is showing at the Oriental Theatre (tickets are on RUSH only...but you never know).


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