What I've Missed...or Catch Up Time

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, 25 November 2015 0 comments
Take your pick...

This post is meant to give you some quick capsules on some of the titles that I've not covered in the last week or two.


Life got in the way -- maybe some day I'll write a book -- I've got great stories to tell about movies and life in general.

But I digress...

Let's do a quick run through some of the titles that we haven't discussed here. Radio folks have heard about them...TV folks have gotten them...just didn't get thigs online here...sorry!

Silver Linings Playbook - Rated R
(Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert DeNiro)
One of the best movies of the year -- it's not the romantic comedy that it is being marketed to be. Instead, it is an extremely well done story of a family that has a variety of problems, but needs each other to overcome them. It is still funny at times, but sweet and poignant. A-

Rise of the Guardians - Rated PG
(Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Isla Fisher, Hugh Jackman)
What do you get when you have a movie featuring The Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Jack Frost, The Sandman and The Tooth Fairy along with the Boogeyman - Pitch Black? A lot of fun with some of the most classic kids characters. When the spirit is almost lost, it takes the belief of one child and the desire of all of them to come together and restore the faith of the world in them. This is one that the youngest kids may be a bit scared with, bad dreams are scary after all, but will give you the warm and fuzzy holiday feeling before it's over. B

Life of Pi - Rated PG
(Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan)
From director Ang Lee comes this elegantly told tale of a man and his journey across the ocean. This jouney is on a small boat and with a bengal tiger named Richard Parker. How can one man survive days at sea with the ferocious beast? This is a rare film that I would highly recommend seeing in 3D. It's a gorgeous film for the format. And the story will have you as they wrap it up. May not be something you think you'll like, but the storytelling and visuals is worth the price of admission. B+

Lincoln - Rated PG-13
(Daniel Day-Lewis, Sally Field, David Strathairn)
Quite possibly one of the best films of 2012. Daniel Day-Lewis is a shoe-in for an Oscar nomination for his role as the former President. Director Steven Spielberg takes us through the period after the Gettysburg address through the passage of the amendment to abolish slavery. Day-Lewis embodies everything you think of the former President. The film is solid and will have you loving history again. A/A-

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II - Rated PG-13
(Kristin Stewart, Robert Pattinson)
Sure, I'm not the target demographic on this one. Sure, I haven't been a fan of the series overall. But if you chop off the first 20 minutes of this film; it's not bad. It's definitely one of the better films in the series. Maybe that has something to do with the changing of a bunch of the later parts of the film from what the book had; but I don't know. Ok, I've said way too much in this space -- but let me add one more thing...I'm team Alice (Ashley Greene rocks). C+

Skyfall - Rated PG-13
(Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Naomie Harris, Judi Dench, Ralph Fiennes)
James Bond is back and Daniel Craig bring him to us. This new Bond film will start you at breakneck speed with one of the best opening action sequences this year. Then it gets into a really cool story of survival for James and MI6 as a ruthless villain, played by Javier Bardem, finds out the identities of undercover agents everywhere. I really like this Bond film. B+

Wreck-It Ralph - Rated PG
(John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer)
Video game lovers unite, Wreck-It Ralph takes you inside the game to show you that video game characters have feelings too! Ralph is tired of being the bad guy and heads off to get a medal of his own. Along the way he meets many colorful characters and finds out more about himself. This is fun, quick, funny and smart. I love the interactions between the characters and the story is a classic. A-

Flight - Rated R
(Denzel Washington, Kelly Reilly, John Goodman)
Denzel Washington has problems in his own personal life that he solves through the bottle. But he never anticipated that those problems would include crashing a plane, but saving the bulk of the passengers. After a devisatating plane crash that heralds him as a hero pilot, further investigation uncovers that he drank on the day of the crash. Could it have been prevented? Or did he save the lives of a hundred passengers by his talents as a pilot. Denzel is perfectly awesome in the film and the plane crash is incredibly well done. But the film seemed to be missing something, and the marketing is a bit misleading. Although it is very good, it just misses being great. B

Cloud Atlas - Rated R
(Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Jim Broadbent)
An amazing journey through time as the stories that span thousands of years intertwine and take the same actors through various forms over time. This is a beautiful film that is stitched together to make the stories actions and reactions show the interdependence of us all. Long but solid, some may feel lost but I felt quite satisfied. B

That's if for now....Hopefully we can stay ahead of things for the rest of the year!!! Enjoy the movies!



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